Gotta Love Books!
I have always loved books and a good story! When I was a teenager, my downtime from my extreme extraversion was to get a good book, a bag of Cheetos (and sometimes M&M’s), and hole up in my room immersing myself in the story. I would lose track of time (and sometimes reality) as my imagination took off with the story. The well-worn pages would be marked with orange fingerprints as a testament to the journey of discovery through the pages.
I still love books, but what I read now has changed. As God has stolen my heart and my mind, I get caught up with my growing relationship with Him and now gravitate to books that help me better understand Him and His ways. He has knitted me to care for, be curious about, and desire to grow in knowledge about relationships with Him, myself, and others.
In addition to the Bible (our best human relationship manual), there are other books that have touched my heart. These authors speak God’s truth and have enlightened me and helped me grow in my walk. My list continues to change and grow, but these are some of the books that have been pivotal in my life. I continue to read and grow, so if you ask me again, I might have a whole new set of favorites!
Relationship with Him:
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers-
My all time favorite devotional. Takes me deeper with God every time I read it.
Never Alone by Joseph Girzone-
This book is a simply profound story of personal relationship with God. This came across my path when I was journeying back to God after wandering away for years and helped me reconnect to Him and His love for me. I am thankful.
Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala-
This one helped me grow in the Holy Spirit. The Living God worked on me through the words on the pages!
Relationship with self:
Fully Alive by Larry Crabb-
His amazing insight educated me in how God knitted us uniquely as man and woman, and how to walk freely in that uniqueness. This teaching from Larry convicted me to the core. God opened my eyes to so much through it! It is helping me grow into the woman of God He designed me to be. Praise God!
Your Divine Fingerprint: The Force that Makes you Unstoppable by Keith Craft-
Incredibly encouraging and instructive on how to define, pursue, and implement your dreams. His words fired me up about embracing who I am and walking confidently in that. A sound mix of biblical truths, wisdom, and practical steps to take.
Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyers-
Great book about addressing the ungodly thoughts we have that want to dictate our lives. Very practical and empowering. Our minds are the place for true transformation to be released in our lives! Romans 12:2; Freedom Christ’s way!
Relationship with Others:
Boundaries and Beyond Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend-
These two classic books helped me set God-given parameters in my relationships. This has brought freedom and healthy relations with others. The books also helped free me from my codependent ways! I had many “ah-ha” moments!
What Did you Expect??: Redeeming the Realties of Marriage by Paul David Tripp-
One of the best books on marriage I ever read. This really helped me to start seeing what realistic expectations are in a marriage. I also gained an understanding of the concept of Kingdom of Self vs. Kingdom of God. Wow! That was a game changer for me.
Love and Respect by Emmerson Eggerichs-
This book rocked my world regarding the difference between what men and women need and respond to and woke me up to why God calls men to “love” women and women to “respect” men! This simple, but powerful truth brought new life to our marriage. This book would be helpful for anyone thinking of getting married or already married.
As I reflect on the favorite books I’ve shared with you, I cannot help but acknowledge the obvious working of our Heavenly Father. His word flowed through these books as the authors used their God-given talents to allow the Holy Spirit to heal and transform through the power of the written word! I am forever grateful for the words of life they shared. They are part of the provision that God gives me to enter into “the exceedingly and abundantly more” that He promises.
I pray that you too, have your favorite books.
Books that bring you closer to God, that help heal relationships, and transform your life with God and others.
I encourage you to check out my favorites too!
What are your favorite books?