Dear Friends...
We are prone to worry. And if you are a parent, like me, you are probably prone to worry most about your kids, no matter what age they are.
As I sit down to write, I’m aware that for many of you your ‘kids’ are on Spring Break. I reflect back to when my daughters were in college (oh my, I’m starting to feel oldJ), and what that time was like for me. There were some sleepless nights, that’s for sure. There were many thoughts racing through my head…. what is really going on… who are they REALLY with… did I teach them enough about safety and making good choices…maybe I need to text them or call them?
I remember being confronted with the very real reality that I was NOT in control when my youngest decided to attend a college in California and chose not to stay in Georgia. Now, I’m gaining some respect, right? I hear “Aww” and “Oh my’” coming from many of your hearts. (Thank you). However, many of you have a different response, “So what? I had to send my kid off to war” or “Mine studied over seas or went on a mission”. Our situations may be different, but the same stark reality hits us all…we are NOT in control.
I also vividly recall a conversation I was in with other moms regarding our college aged kids and someone responded, “Well, we are Moms. We HAVE to worry.” “Really?” I thought, “Is that part of our job description?”
Many of you are now screaming at me “Of course Angel, it is. How could we NOT worry?”
I agree. I agree. I agree. BUT God asks us not to stay in the place of worry. Take a look at what He says to us through the Apostle Paul:
"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:6-7
I love these verses! In fact God showed me that they are one of His “Anti-Anxiety” prescriptions:
Our Part:
Instead of worrying, pray. (He knows we humans are prone to worryJ).
Ask for what you need. (Isn’t that cool that He let’s us ask firstJ)
Remember what He’s done for you in the in past. (Where have you seen Him at work in your kids’ lives before? Remember when He’s given you wisdom or truth in the past. Or look at scriptures and see what He did for others when they were worried or afraid
His Part:
His promise: "My Peace will guard your heart and mind."
Then, don’t stop there. In verse 8, He instructs us on how to keep the peace He gives us:
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8
As parents, you know when you say the ‘final thing’ to your kid; it is usually the most important! So let’s heed God’s final word to us about worry. Start spending our energy FOCUSING on GOOD THOUGHTS! Remember the truths of who He is; what He’s done; His character; and attributes.
Whether your kids are close to home or far away, the reality is we are not in control. Worry alerts us that we have an opportunity to “Let Go and Let God.” We have the opportunity to exercise our faith muscles and trust God as the ultimate good parent who watches over them and can care for them better than we ever imagined.
How about we use the Anti-Anxiety prescription and practice faith through prayer and see where that leads?
Remember, they were His idea and His children first. And He loves them more than we ever could. We can rest in that!
Blessings~ Angel