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Things I Want My Daughters To Know

God surprised me one morning in my quiet time. It was the summer before our youngest daughter was heading off to college. My husband and I had weathered and recovered from storms in our relationship that almost ended the marriage. We were looking forward to being “empty nesters.” Little did I know God had another “baby” planned for us! On that particular morning, out of the blue, a title popped into my head, and as soon as it did, I knew what it meant.

He wanted me to speak about the transformation He had done in me that subsequently saved our marriage. I had an opportunity to speak at a local graduate school, and in the process of preparing and sharing the message, God gave me three very clear “witnesses” that indicated I was to write a book on the subject.

WHAT? Never in my wildest dreams had I thought about writing a book, but through God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! It’s a longer story then I can document here, but after three years, the “baby” was born! The book was completed by the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, with my cooperation, my husband’s support, and encouragement from all the incredible people He put in my path! It DOES take a village to write a book! :-)

See, my story is a common story: The “happily ever after” dream of a marriage doesn’t seem to be working out the way you planned, but what seems hopeless and futile can be altered when given to the right Hands.

What He did for me(us), He can do for you. God wants to use our pain for purpose, but first we have to give Him our hearts, our minds, and our circumstances to transform. We have to choose to get off the throne of our lives and allow Him to be in charge.

I am so grateful I allowed God to do what only He can do, not only in my heart, but in writing the book. If He did it in me, He can do it in you. Will the outcome be the same? This I cannot say…only God has that final say. What I can say is that no matter what, you will be better off for having gone through the process with the Lord…you can’t lose.

Will you go on the journey with Him?

Will you let Him take your pain and create purpose out of it?

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Hope & Healing to a Hurting World

Angel H. Davis is a speaker, author, podcaster, and trained counselor on a mission to share how God’s truth and love can transform the world, one person at a time.  

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