God is challenging me to be BOLDER this year and I’m so glad you are joining me on the journey! I believe we all will need a certain amount of boldness in order to accomplish what our heart desires to do for the Lord. Left to my own devices, I am a ‘scaredy-cat’ and a people-pleaser, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it certainly won’t move me to new and great adventures with the Lord. It also has the potential to reinforce fear instead of faith. So as we journey together, let’s remember His promise to never leave us or forsake us. That our faith and trust in Him and His power in us, will allow us to try new things and be BOLD in our thoughts and actions! How great is that! Let’s continue to ask the Lord for more strength to trust His promises and move with Him in boldness this year!
“The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.” Proverbs 28:1
Bold living shows intention. Here’s some simple, but very meaningful ways that will affect your daily life and possibly your direction.
LISTEN…Boldly. Practice Attentiveness.
Listen to God. Shut out the other noises in your life so you can tune into that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.
JOIN…Boldly. Join Others.
Reach out to others. Connect or join that group that you’ve been thinking about. Go to church. Get out of your comfort zone.
SMILE…Boldly. Show Pleasure.
Smile at a stranger. Change their day. Smile when you don’t feel like.
WAIT…Boldly. Exercise Patience.
Pray for patience. Wait with peace. What a bold step in this day and age to wait without complaining!
ANSWER…Boldly. Share truth.
Speak truth in love. Confront issues while they are small.
LOVE…Boldly. Express passion.
Love unconditionally. Give love always. Love like Jesus loved.
LAUGH…Boldly. Enjoy humor.
Share your joy. Laughter is great medicine! Jesus carries our load so we can “lighten up” and enjoy.
TRUST…Boldly. Believe God.
Try new things. God has it covered.
STAND…Boldly. Remain steadfast.
Stand firmly in God’s Truth. He gives strength to you as you courageously stand against the flow of the world.
LIVE…Boldly. Take risks.
‘Cliff Jump’ with God. It grows you tenfold. God’s plan is larger than you can imagine.
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
1 Corinthians 2:9
This is doable. We can all become more bold, one simple step at a time. And the promise behind these steps is that we will draw closer to our Heavenly Father! And as we lean on Him to take bold steps He will be directing us right where He wants us to be! How awesome is that? What have we got to lose? Let’s ask Him to help us be as “bold as lions” for His glory in 2015!