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Dear Friends...Some Feel Led To Fast

Dear Friends... Spring is almost here and Easter is quickly approaching. Many of us are thinking about change, renewal and new life. This time of year reminds me of how much God loves us, and the lengths He went to restore our direct communion with Him!

Many feel led to fast during this time of year. To give up something in honor of what God has done for us. If you are considering this, here are some different ways to fast that are inspired from one of my favorite set of scriptures, Isaiah 58.

  1. Treat people fairly. Honor and respect those you work with or for.

  2. Help those who have been wronged unjustly. Pray for them. Intervene where you can. Donate to a ministry that helps the oppressed.

  3. Choose to forgive others who have offended you or wronged you.

  4. Share your food with those who are hungry. Give to a food bank. Cook for someone. Invite someone over for dinner.

  5. Offer hospitality for someone who needs a friend. Open your home. Share what you have with others. Clean out your closets and give things away.

  6. Use your time, energy and resources to help family members who are in need.

  7. Choose not to gossip or point the finger at others. Think before you speak.

  8. Keep the Sabbath. A day of rest. Take quiet time with the Lord. Honor the fact that God has given us all we need through the Cross. Exhibit your trust in Him as you rest from your efforts!

God promises that as we honor Him we will be blessed in many ways. Fasting moves the focus from on our problems and interests, and redirects us to serving others out of His love. He will heal, lead and protect us. He will be working in our own lives; restoring and renewing. He will hear our voice as we call out to Him and He will honor us and give us favor. We will be filled with His light, strength and delight.

Now that’s a great exchange program! Demonstrate His love today… Fasting never looked so good…



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